The full text of Anton de Groot’s well-known book Patch Testing
(5th edition, 2022) is available to all members of the society.
A big thank you from The Executive Committee goes out to
Dr de Groot for his generous donation of the book.
ESCD members can access ‘Patch Testing’ below.
Patch Testing 5th Edition contains information on patch test concentrations and vehicles for defined chemicals, mixtures of defined chemicals, plant-derived substances, products, and groups of either chemically or functionally related substances and chemicals, as published in literature. In addition, data are provided which may directly or indirectly influence decision making relevant to patch test procedures and which enable the investigator to easily locate more detailed information.
The book contains:
5200 chemicals with patch test concentrations and vehicles
2350 synonyms and 200 abbreviations
CAS numbers
INCI nomenclature for cosmetic ingredients and fragrances
full data from all major textbooks and the journals Contact Dermatitis, American Journal of Contact Dermatitis and Dermatitis
patch test concentrations and vehicles for products
patch test concentrations and vehicles for groups of chemicals
reference to the Merck Index online database
reference to the Personal Care Products Council On-Line INFOBASE
reports of photosensitivity, contact urticaria, and patch test sensitization
additional information relevant for patch testing
commercial availability of allergens
fully referenced (1086 references)
Dr Mihály (“Misi”) Matura
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